Rent from 15 €/day
Maestrale je zanesljiv, intuitiven in udoben turnosmučarski čevelj, ki ti bo omogočil, da boš zmogel čisto vse gorske terene in zimske avanture!
Date of rent:
- 2 - days or weekend rent ...... 20% discount
- 3-7 days rent ....30% discount
- 8 - or more days rent .... 35% discount
In the case of the purchase of a new product of the rent category within 6 months of the rent, the paid amount for the rent is refunded* to the client as follows:
- for a bicycle seat up to an amount of 30 €
- for skis and snowboards up to the amount of 50 €
- for a bicycle up to an amount of 150 €
*only with attached original invoice
1. It is not possible to complete the rent on Saturday or the last day before the holiday.
2. In the case of renting for Saturday, the Sunday is counted in each case and vice versa.
3. In the case of a rent on the last working day before the holiday, the amount of the rent, until inclusive the last holiday day, is always charged.
4. It is not possible to rent and return items for rent on Sunday and during holidays.
5. Rent of the item is, with the exception of the beginning of the rent on Monday or the first day after the holiday, possible the day before the first day of the paid rent after 5 p.m.
6. In the case of a rent on Monday or on the first day after the holiday, the item can be taken on the day of the rent after 9.00 am.
7. The return of the item must be made no later than 12:00 am, after the day for which the rent was paid, otherwise an additional day of rent is charged.
8. The client must submit a personal document for rent.
9. The item can be booked at the office with advance payment of the rent (the number of days of rent is paid).
10. For a rent, the client must pay with a credit card.
11. To make an online reservation, you need to make an online purchase with a credit card in the amount of 20€ for all items. The amount is refunded to the customer's account after payment of the rent by picking up the item in the shop.
12. Cancellation of the rented equipment and refund of the advance payment is possible no later than 72 hours before the booked date of the rent.
13. The use of the rented item is at your own risk!
14. An additional two days are charged for each day of delay of the return of the item.
15. If the customer is late with the return of the item for more than five days, PR, d.o.o. can charge the personal account and credit card of the client and reports the alienation of the article to the police authorities.
16. In the case that the customer returns the item damaged and the damage is not a consequence of normal use, the customer is charged with the repair of the item according to the valid price list of the SB Ekstrem d.o.o. service.
17. In the case of damage or loss of the bicycle / equipment rented, the user is liable for damages up to a maximum of 80% of the retail price of the rented item. The User explicitly agrees that his personal account is charged through a credit card up to the amount of the cost of damage, estimated by the borrower.
18. A deposit is returned to the customer when an undamaged item is returned.
19. Reserved item can be picked up in Extreme Vital shop Maribor.
Service provider: SB Ekstrem d.o.o., Pohorska ulica 60, 2000 Maribor
All prices are valid from 25.3.2019. The price includes 22% VAT. Prices are in EUR.